Source code for genrl.agents.bandits.multiarmed.bayesian

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from genrl.agents.bandits.multiarmed.base import MABAgent
from genrl.core.bandit import MultiArmedBandit

[docs]class BayesianUCBMABAgent(MABAgent): """ Multi-Armed Bandit Solver with Bayesian Upper Confidence Bound based Action Selection Strategy. Refer to Section 2.7 of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. :param bandit: The Bandit to solve :param alpha: alpha value for beta distribution :param beta: beta values for beta distibution :param c: Confidence level which controls degree of exploration :type bandit: MultiArmedlBandit type object :type alpha: float :type beta: float :type c: float """ def __init__( self, bandit: MultiArmedBandit, alpha: float = 1.0, beta: float = 1.0, confidence: float = 3.0, ): super(BayesianUCBMABAgent, self).__init__(bandit) self._c = confidence self._a = alpha * np.ones(shape=(bandit.bandits, bandit.arms)) self._b = beta * np.ones(shape=(bandit.bandits, bandit.arms)) @property def quality(self) -> np.ndarray: """numpy.ndarray: Q values for all the actions for alpha, beta and c""" return self.a / (self.a + self.b) @property def a(self) -> np.ndarray: """numpy.ndarray: alpha parameter of beta distribution associated with the policy""" return self._a @property def b(self) -> np.ndarray: """numpy.ndarray: beta parameter of beta distribution associated with the policy""" return self._b @property def confidence(self) -> float: """float: Confidence level which weights the exploration term""" return self._c
[docs] def select_action(self, context: int) -> int: """ Select an action according to bayesian upper confidence bound Take action that maximises a weighted sum of the Q values and a beta distribution paramerterized by alpha and beta and weighted by c for each action :param context: the context to select action for :param t: timestep to choose action for :type context: int :type t: int :returns: Selected action :rtype: int """ action = np.argmax( self.quality[context] + stats.beta.std(self.a[context], self.b[context]) * self.confidence ) self.action_hist.append((context, action)) return action
[docs] def update_params(self, context: int, action: int, reward: float) -> None: """ Update parmeters for the policy Updates the regret as the difference between max Q value and that of the action. Updates the Q values according to the reward recieved in this step :param context: context for which action is taken :param action: action taken for the step :param reward: reward obtained for the step :type context: int :type action: int :type reward: float """ self.reward_hist.append(reward) self.a[context, action] += reward self.b[context, action] += 1 - reward self._regret += max(self.quality[context]) - self.quality[context, action] self.regret_hist.append(self.regret) self.counts[context, action] += 1