Adding a new Deep Contextual Bandit AgentΒΆ

The bandit submodule like all of genrl has been designed to be easily extensible for custom additions. This tutorial will show how to create a deep contextual bandit agent which will work with the rest of genrl.bandit

For the purpose of this tutorial we will consider a simple neural network based agent. Although this is a simplictic agent, implementation of any level of agent will need to have the following steps.

To start off with lets import necessary modules and make a class which inherits from genrl.agents.bandits.contextual.base.DCBAgent

from typing import Optional

import torch

from genrl.agents.bandits.contextual.base import DCBAgent
from genrl.agents.bandits.contextual.common import NeuralBanditModel, TransitionDB
from genrl.utils.data_bandits.base import DataBasedBandit

class NeuralAgent(DCBAgent):
    """Deep contextual bandit agent based on a neural network."""

    def __init__(self, bandit: DataBasedBandit, **kwargs):

    def select_action(self, context: torch.Tensor) -> int:

    def update_db(self, context: torch.Tensor, action: int, reward: int):

    def update_params(
        action: Optional[int] = None,
        batch_size: int = 512,
        train_epochs: int = 20,

We will need to implement __init__, select_action, update_db and update_param to make the class functional.

Lets start off with __init__. Here we will need to initialise some required parameters (init_pulls, eval_with_dropout, t and update_count) along with our transition database and the neural network. For the neural network, you can use the NeuralBanditModel class. It packages together many of the functionalities a neural network might require. Refer to the docs for more details.

def __init__(self, bandit: DataBasedBandit, **kwargs):
    super(NeuralAgent, self).__init__(bandit, **kwargs)
    self.model = (
    self.eval_with_dropout = kwargs.get("eval_with_dropout", False)
    self.db = TransitionDB(self.device)
    self.t = 0
    self.update_count = 0

For the select action function, the agent will pass the context vector through the neural network to produce logits for each action. It will then select the action with highest logit value. Note that it must also increment the timestep, and if take every action atleast init_pulls number of times initially.

def select_action(self, context: torch.Tensor) -> int:
    """Selects action for a given context"""
    self.model.use_dropout = self.eval_with_dropout
    self.t += 1
    if self.t < self.n_actions * self.init_pulls:
        return torch.tensor(
            self.t % self.n_actions, device=self.device,

    results = self.model(context)
    action = torch.argmax(results["pred_rewards"]).to(
    return action

For updating the databse we can use the add method of TransitionDB class.

def update_db(self, context: torch.Tensor, action: int, reward: int):
    """Updates transition database."""
    self.db.add(context, action, reward)

In update_params we need to train the model on the observations seen so far. Since the NeuralBanditModel class already hass a train function, we just need to call that. However if you are writing your own model, this is where the updates to the parameters would happen.

def update_params(
    action: Optional[int] = None,
    batch_size: int = 512,
    train_epochs: int = 20,
    """Update parameters of the agent."""
    self.update_count += 1
    self.model.train_model(self.db, train_epochs, batch_size)

Note that some of these functions have unused arguments. The signatures have been decided so as such to ensure generality over all classes of algorithms.

Once you are done with the above, you can use the NeuralAgent class like you would any other agent from genrl.bandit. You can use it with any of the bandits as well as training it with genrl.bandit.DCBTrainer.