

class genrl.utils.logger.CSVLogger(logdir: str)[source]

Bases: object

CSV Logging class

Parameters:logdir (string) – Directory to save log at
close() → None[source]

Close the logger

write(kvs: Dict[str, Any], log_key) → None[source]

Add entry to logger

Parameters:kvs (dict) – Entries to be logged
class genrl.utils.logger.HumanOutputFormat(logdir: str)[source]

Bases: object

Output from a log file in a human readable format

Parameters:logdir (string) – Directory at which log is present
close() → None[source]
max_key_len(kvs: Dict[str, Any]) → None[source]

Finds max key length

Parameters:kvs (dict) – Entries to be logged
round(num: float) → float[source]

Returns a rounded float value depending on self.maxlen

Parameters:num (float) – Value to round
write(kvs: Dict[str, Any], log_key) → None[source]

Log the entry out in human readable format

Parameters:kvs (dict) – Entries to be logged
write_to_file(kvs: Dict[str, Any], file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>) → None[source]

Log the entry out in human readable format

  • kvs (dict) – Entries to be logged
  • file (io.TextIOWrapper) – Name of file to write logs to
class genrl.utils.logger.Logger(logdir: str = None, formats: List[str] = ['csv'])[source]

Bases: object

Logger class to log important information

  • logdir (string) – Directory to save log at
  • formats (list) – Formatting of each log [‘csv’, ‘stdout’, ‘tensorboard’]
close() → None[source]

Close the logger


Return save format(s)


Return log directory

write(kvs: Dict[str, Any], log_key: str = 'timestep') → None[source]

Add entry to logger

  • kvs (dict) – Entry to be logged
  • log_key (str) – Key plotted on log_key
class genrl.utils.logger.TensorboardLogger(logdir: str)[source]

Bases: object

Tensorboard Logging class

Parameters:logdir (string) – Directory to save log at
close() → None[source]

Close the logger

write(kvs: Dict[str, Any], log_key: str = 'timestep') → None[source]

Add entry to logger

  • kvs (dict) – Entries to be logged
  • log_key (str) – Key plotted on x_axis
genrl.utils.logger.get_logger_by_name(name: str)[source]

Gets the logger given the type of logger

Parameters:name (string) – Name of the value function needed


genrl.utils.utils.cnn(channels: Tuple = (4, 16, 32), kernel_sizes: Tuple = (8, 4), strides: Tuple = (4, 2), **kwargs) → Tuple[source]
(Generates a CNN model given input dimensions, channels, kernel_sizes and


param channels:Input output channels before and after each convolution
param kernel_sizes:
 Kernel sizes for each convolution
param strides:Strides for each convolution
param in_size:Input dimensions (assuming square input)
type channels:tuple
type kernel_sizes:
type strides:tuple
type in_size:int
returns:(Convolutional Neural Network with convolutional layers and

activation layers)

genrl.utils.utils.get_env_properties(env: Union[gym.core.Env, genrl.environments.vec_env.vector_envs.VecEnv], network: Union[str, Any] = 'mlp') → Tuple[int][source]

Finds important properties of environment

param env:Environment that the agent is interacting with
type env:Gym Environment
param network:Type of network architecture, eg. “mlp”, “cnn”
type network:str
returns:(State space dimensions, Action space dimensions,
discreteness of action space and action limit (highest action value)
rtype:int, float, …; int, float, …; bool; int, float, …
genrl.utils.utils.get_model(type_: str, name_: str) → Union[source]

Utility to get the class of required function

param type_:“ac” for Actor Critic, “v” for Value, “p” for Policy
param name_:Name of the specific structure of model. (
Eg. “mlp” or “cnn”)
type type_:string
returns:Required class. Eg. MlpActorCritic
genrl.utils.utils.mlp(sizes: Tuple, activation: str = 'relu', sac: bool = False)[source]

Generates an MLP model given sizes of each layer

param sizes:Sizes of hidden layers
param sac:True if Soft Actor Critic is being used, else False
type sizes:tuple or list
type sac:bool
returns:(Neural Network with fully-connected linear layers and

activation layers)

genrl.utils.utils.noisy_mlp(fc_layers: List[int], noisy_layers: List[int], activation='relu')[source]

Noisy MLP generating helper function

  • fc_layers (list of int) – List of fully connected layers
  • noisy_layers (list of int) – :ist of noisy layers
  • activation (str) – Activation function to be used. [“tanh”, “relu”]

Noisy MLP model

genrl.utils.utils.safe_mean(log: List[int])[source]

Returns 0 if there are no elements in logs

genrl.utils.utils.set_seeds(seed: int, env: Union[gym.core.Env, genrl.environments.vec_env.vector_envs.VecEnv] = None) → None[source]

Sets seeds for reproducibility

  • seed (int) – Seed Value
  • env (Gym Environment) – Optionally pass gym environment to set its seed


class genrl.utils.models.TabularModel(s_dim: int, a_dim: int)[source]

Bases: object

Sample-based tabular model class for deterministic, discrete environments

  • s_dim (int) – environment state dimension
  • a_dim (int) – environment action dimension
add(state: numpy.ndarray, action: numpy.ndarray, reward: float, next_state: numpy.ndarray) → None[source]

add transition to model :param state: state :param action: action :param reward: reward :param next_state: next state :type state: float array :type action: int :type reward: int :type next_state: float array

is_empty() → bool[source]

Check if the model has been updated or not

Returns:True if model not updated yet
Return type:bool
sample() → Tuple[source]

sample state action pair from model

Returns:state and action
Return type:int, float, .. ; int, float, ..
step(state: numpy.ndarray, action: numpy.ndarray) → Tuple[source]

return consequence of action at state

Returns:reward and next state
Return type:int; int, float, ..
genrl.utils.models.get_model_from_name(name_: str)[source]

get model object from name

Parameters:name (str) – name of the model [‘tabular’]
Returns:the model