Source code for genrl.agents.deep.base.offpolicy

import collections
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from genrl.agents.deep.base import BaseAgent
from genrl.core import (

[docs]class OffPolicyAgent(BaseAgent): """Off Policy Agent Base Class Attributes: network (str): The network type of the Q-value function. Supported types: ["cnn", "mlp"] env (Environment): The environment that the agent is supposed to act on create_model (bool): Whether the model of the algo should be created when initialised batch_size (int): Mini batch size for loading experiences gamma (float): The discount factor for rewards layers (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`): Layers in the Neural Network of the Q-value function lr_policy (float): Learning rate for the policy/actor lr_value (float): Learning rate for the Q-value function replay_size (int): Capacity of the Replay Buffer buffer_type (str): Choose the type of Buffer: ["push", "prioritized"] seed (int): Seed for randomness render (bool): Should the env be rendered during training? device (str): Hardware being used for training. Options: ["cuda" -> GPU, "cpu" -> CPU] """ def __init__( self, *args, replay_size: int = 5000, buffer_type: str = "push", **kwargs ): super(OffPolicyAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.replay_size = replay_size if buffer_type == "push": self.replay_buffer = PushReplayBuffer(self.replay_size) elif buffer_type == "prioritized": self.replay_buffer = PrioritizedBuffer(self.replay_size) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_params_before_select_action(self, timestep: int) -> None: """Update any parameters before selecting action like epsilon for decaying epsilon greedy Args: timestep (int): Timestep in the training process """ pass
[docs] def update_params(self, update_interval: int) -> None: """Update parameters of the model""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_target_model(self) -> None: """Function to update the target Q model Updates the target model with the training model's weights when called """ raise NotImplementedError
def _reshape_batch(self, batch: List): """Function to reshape experiences Can be modified for individual algorithm usage Args: batch (:obj:`list`): List of experiences that are being replayed Returns: batch (:obj:`list`): Reshaped experiences for replay """ return [*batch]
[docs] def sample_from_buffer(self, beta: float = None): """Samples experiences from the buffer and converts them into usable formats Args: beta (float): Importance-Sampling beta for prioritized replay Returns: batch (:obj:`list`): Replay experiences sampled from the buffer """ # Samples from the buffer if beta is not None: batch = self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size, beta=beta) else: batch = self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = self._reshape_batch(batch) # Convert every experience to a Named Tuple. Either Replay or Prioritized Replay samples. if isinstance(self.replay_buffer, PushReplayBuffer): batch = ReplayBufferSamples(*[states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones]) elif isinstance(self.replay_buffer, PrioritizedBuffer): indices, weights = batch[5], batch[6] batch = PrioritizedReplayBufferSamples( *[states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, indices, weights] ) else: raise NotImplementedError return batch
[docs] def get_q_loss(self, batch: collections.namedtuple) -> torch.Tensor: """Normal Function to calculate the loss of the Q-function or critic Args: batch (:obj:`collections.namedtuple` of :obj:`torch.Tensor`): Batch of experiences Returns: loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Calculated loss of the Q-function """ q_values = self.get_q_values(batch.states, batch.actions) target_q_values = self.get_target_q_values( batch.next_states, batch.rewards, batch.dones ) loss = F.mse_loss(q_values, target_q_values) return loss
[docs]class OffPolicyAgentAC(OffPolicyAgent): """Off Policy Agent Base Class Attributes: network (str): The network type of the Q-value function. Supported types: ["cnn", "mlp"] env (Environment): The environment that the agent is supposed to act on create_model (bool): Whether the model of the algo should be created when initialised batch_size (int): Mini batch size for loading experiences gamma (float): The discount factor for rewards layers (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`): Layers in the Neural Network of the Q-value function lr_policy (float): Learning rate for the policy/actor lr_value (float): Learning rate for the Q-value function replay_size (int): Capacity of the Replay Buffer buffer_type (str): Choose the type of Buffer: ["push", "prioritized"] seed (int): Seed for randomness render (bool): Should the env be rendered during training? device (str): Hardware being used for training. Options: ["cuda" -> GPU, "cpu" -> CPU] """ def __init__(self, *args, polyak=0.995, **kwargs): super(OffPolicyAgentAC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.polyak = polyak self.doublecritic = False
[docs] def select_action( self, state: np.ndarray, deterministic: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: """Select action given state Deterministic Action Selection with Noise Args: state (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Current state of the environment deterministic (bool): Should the policy be deterministic or stochastic Returns: action (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Action taken by the agent """ state = torch.as_tensor(state).float() action, _ =, deterministic) action = action.detach().cpu().numpy() # add noise to output from policy network if self.noise is not None: action += self.noise() return np.clip( action, self.env.action_space.low[0], self.env.action_space.high[0] )
[docs] def update_target_model(self) -> None: """Function to update the target Q model Updates the target model with the training model's weights when called """ for param, param_target in zip(, self.ac_target.parameters() ): - self.polyak) *
[docs] def get_q_values(self, states: torch.Tensor, actions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Get Q values corresponding to specific states and actions Args: states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): States for which Q-values need to be found actions (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Actions taken at respective states Returns: q_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Q values for the given states and actions """ if self.doublecritic: q_values =[states, actions], dim=-1), mode="both" ) else: q_values =[states, actions], dim=-1)) return q_values
[docs] def get_target_q_values( self, next_states: torch.Tensor, rewards: List[float], dones: List[bool] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Get target Q values for the TD3 Args: next_states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Next states for which target Q-values need to be found rewards (:obj:`list`): Rewards at each timestep for each environment dones (:obj:`list`): Game over status for each environment Returns: target_q_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Target Q values for the TD3 """ next_target_actions = self.ac_target.get_action(next_states, True)[0] if self.doublecritic: next_q_target_values = self.ac_target.get_value([next_states, next_target_actions], dim=-1), mode="min" ) else: next_q_target_values = self.ac_target.get_value([next_states, next_target_actions], dim=-1) ) target_q_values = rewards + self.gamma * (1 - dones) * next_q_target_values return target_q_values
[docs] def get_q_loss(self, batch: collections.namedtuple) -> torch.Tensor: """Actor Critic Function to calculate the loss of the Q-function or critic Args: batch (:obj:`collections.namedtuple` of :obj:`torch.Tensor`): Batch of experiences Returns: loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Calculated loss of the Q-function """ q_values = self.get_q_values(batch.states, batch.actions) target_q_values = self.get_target_q_values( batch.next_states, batch.rewards, batch.dones ) if self.doublecritic: loss = F.mse_loss(q_values[0], target_q_values) + F.mse_loss( q_values[1], target_q_values ) else: loss = F.mse_loss(q_values, target_q_values) return loss
[docs] def get_p_loss(self, states: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Function to get the Policy loss Args: states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): States for which Q-values need to be found Returns: loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Calculated policy loss """ next_best_actions =, True)[0] q_values =[states, next_best_actions], dim=-1)) policy_loss = -torch.mean(q_values) return policy_loss
[docs] def load_weights(self, weights) -> None: """Load weights for the agent from pretrained model Args: weights (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary of different neural net weights """["weights"])