Source code for genrl.agents.deep.ddpg.ddpg

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict

import numpy as np
from torch import optim as opt

from genrl.agents import OffPolicyAgentAC
from genrl.core import ActionNoise
from genrl.utils import get_env_properties, get_model, safe_mean

[docs]class DDPG(OffPolicyAgentAC): """Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm Paper: Attributes: network (str): The network type of the Q-value function. Supported types: ["cnn", "mlp"] env (Environment): The environment that the agent is supposed to act on create_model (bool): Whether the model of the algo should be created when initialised batch_size (int): Mini batch size for loading experiences gamma (float): The discount factor for rewards layers (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`): Layers in the Neural Network of the Q-value function lr_policy (float): Learning rate for the policy/actor lr_value (float): Learning rate for the critic replay_size (int): Capacity of the Replay Buffer buffer_type (str): Choose the type of Buffer: ["push", "prioritized"] polyak (float): Target model update parameter (1 for hard update) noise (:obj:`ActionNoise`): Action Noise function added to aid in exploration noise_std (float): Standard deviation of the action noise distribution seed (int): Seed for randomness render (bool): Should the env be rendered during training? device (str): Hardware being used for training. Options: ["cuda" -> GPU, "cpu" -> CPU] """ def __init__( self, *args, noise: ActionNoise = None, noise_std: float = 0.2, **kwargs ): super(DDPG, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.noise = noise self.noise_std = noise_std self.empty_logs() if self.create_model: self._create_model() def _create_model(self) -> None: """Function to initialize Actor-Critic architecture This will create the Actor-Critic net for the agent and initialise the action noise """ state_dim, action_dim, discrete, _ = get_env_properties(self.env, if discrete: raise Exception( "Discrete Environments not supported for {}.".format(__class__.__name__) ) if self.noise is not None: self.noise = self.noise( np.zeros_like(action_dim), self.noise_std * np.ones_like(action_dim) ) if isinstance(, str): = get_model("ac", state_dim, action_dim, self.policy_layers, self.value_layers, "Qsa", False, ).to(self.device) else: = self.ac_target = deepcopy( self.optimizer_policy = opt.Adam(, lr=self.lr_policy) self.optimizer_value = opt.Adam(, lr=self.lr_value)
[docs] def update_params(self, update_interval: int) -> None: """Update parameters of the model Args: update_interval (int): Interval between successive updates of the target model """ for timestep in range(update_interval): batch = self.sample_from_buffer() value_loss = self.get_q_loss(batch) self.logs["value_loss"].append(value_loss.item()) policy_loss = self.get_p_loss(batch.states) self.logs["policy_loss"].append(policy_loss.item()) self.optimizer_policy.zero_grad() policy_loss.backward() self.optimizer_policy.step() self.optimizer_value.zero_grad() value_loss.backward() self.optimizer_value.step() self.update_target_model()
[docs] def get_hyperparams(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get relevant hyperparameters to save Returns: hyperparams (:obj:`dict`): Hyperparameters to be saved """ hyperparams = { "network":, "gamma": self.gamma, "batch_size": self.batch_size, "replay_size": self.replay_size, "polyak": self.polyak, "noise_std": self.noise_std, "lr_policy": self.lr_policy, "lr_value": self.lr_value, "weights":, } return hyperparams
[docs] def get_logging_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Gets relevant parameters for logging Returns: logs (:obj:`dict`): Logging parameters for monitoring training """ logs = { "policy_loss": safe_mean(self.logs["policy_loss"]), "value_loss": safe_mean(self.logs["value_loss"]), } self.empty_logs() return logs
[docs] def empty_logs(self): """Empties logs""" self.logs = {} self.logs["policy_loss"] = [] self.logs["value_loss"] = []