Source code for genrl.environments.suite

from typing import List

import gym

from genrl.environments import (
from genrl.environments.time_limit import AtariTimeLimit, TimeLimit
from genrl.environments.vec_env import SerialVecEnv, SubProcessVecEnv, VecEnv

[docs]def VectorEnv( env_id: str, n_envs: int = 2, parallel: int = False, env_type: str = "gym", ) -> VecEnv: """ Chooses the kind of Vector Environment that is required :param env_id: Gym environment to be vectorised :param n_envs: Number of environments :param parallel: True if we want environments to run parallely and ( subprocesses, False if we want environments to run serially one after the other) :param env_type: Type of environment. Currently, we support ["gym", "atari"] :type env_id: string :type n_envs: int :type parallel: False :type env_type: string :returns: Vector Environment :rtype: object """ wrapper = AtariEnv if env_type == "atari" else GymEnv envs = [wrapper(env_id) for _ in range(n_envs)] if parallel: venv = SubProcessVecEnv(envs, n_envs) else: venv = SerialVecEnv(envs, n_envs) return venv
[docs]def GymEnv(env_id: str) -> gym.Env: """ Function to apply wrappers for all regular Gym envs by Trainer class :param env: Environment Name :type env: string :returns: Gym Environment :rtype: object """ env = gym.make(env_id) return GymWrapper(TimeLimit(env))
[docs]def AtariEnv( env_id: str, wrapper_list: List = [ AtariPreprocessing, NoopReset, FireReset, AtariTimeLimit, FrameStack, ], ) -> gym.Env: """ Function to apply wrappers for all Atari envs by Trainer class :param env: Environment Name :type env: string :param wrapper_list: List of wrappers to use :type wrapper_list: list or tuple :returns: Gym Atari Environment :rtype: object """ env = gym.make(env_id) env = GymWrapper(env) if "NoFrameskip" in env_id: frameskip = 1 elif "Deterministic" in env_id: frameskip = 4 else: frameskip = (2, 5) for wrapper in wrapper_list: if wrapper is AtariPreprocessing: env = wrapper(env, frameskip) else: env = wrapper(env) return env