Source code for genrl.agents.deep.dqn.utils

import collections
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import torch

from genrl.agents.deep.dqn.base import DQN

[docs]def ddqn_q_target( agent: DQN, next_states: torch.Tensor, rewards: torch.Tensor, dones: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Double Q-learning target Can be used to replace the `get_target_values` method of the Base DQN class in any DQN algorithm Args: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent next_states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Next states being encountered by the agent rewards (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Rewards received by the agent dones (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Game over status of each environment Returns: target_q_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Target Q values using Double Q-learning """ next_q_value_dist = agent.model(next_states) next_best_actions = torch.argmax(next_q_value_dist, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) rewards, dones = rewards.unsqueeze(-1), dones.unsqueeze(-1) next_q_target_value_dist = agent.target_model(next_states) max_next_q_target_values = next_q_target_value_dist.gather(2, next_best_actions) target_q_values = rewards + agent.gamma * torch.mul( max_next_q_target_values, (1 - dones) ) return target_q_values
[docs]def prioritized_q_loss(agent: DQN, batch: collections.namedtuple): """Function to calculate the loss of the Q-function Returns: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Calculateed loss of the Q-function """ q_values = agent.get_q_values(batch.states, batch.actions) target_q_values = agent.get_target_q_values( batch.next_states, batch.rewards, batch.dones ) # Weighted MSE Loss loss = batch.weights * (q_values - target_q_values.detach()) ** 2 # Priorities are taken as the td-errors + some small value to avoid 0s priorities = loss + 1e-5 loss = loss.mean() agent.replay_buffer.update_priorities( batch.indices, priorities.detach().cpu().numpy() ) agent.logs["value_loss"].append(loss.item()) return loss
[docs]def categorical_greedy_action(agent: DQN, state: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: """Greedy action selection for Categorical DQN Args: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent state (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Current state of the environment Returns: action (:obj:`np.ndarray`): Action taken by the agent """ q_value_dist = agent.model(state.unsqueeze(0)).detach().numpy() # We need to scale and discretise the Q-value distribution obtained above q_value_dist = q_value_dist * np.linspace(agent.v_min, agent.v_max, agent.num_atoms) # Then we find the action with the highest Q-values for all discrete regions # Current shape of the q_value_dist is [1, n_envs, action_dim, num_atoms] # So we take the sum of all the individual atom q_values and then take argmax # along action dim to get the optimal action. Since batch_size is 1 for this # function, we squeeze the first dimension out. action = np.argmax(q_value_dist.sum(-1), axis=-1).squeeze(0) return action
[docs]def categorical_q_values(agent: DQN, states: torch.Tensor, actions: torch.Tensor): """Get Q values given state for a Categorical DQN Args: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): States being replayed actions (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Actions being replayed Returns: q_values (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Q values for the given states and actions """ q_value_dist = agent.model(states) # Size of q_value_dist should be [batch_size, n_envs, action_dim, num_atoms] here # To gather the q_values of the respective actions, actions must be of the shape: # [batch_size, n_envs, 1, num_atoms]. It's current shape is [batch_size, n_envs, 1] actions = actions.unsqueeze(-1).expand( agent.batch_size, agent.env.n_envs, 1, agent.num_atoms ) # Now as we gather q_values from the action_dim dimension which is at index 2 q_values = q_value_dist.gather(2, actions) # But after this the shape of q_values would be [batch_size, n_envs, 1, 51] where as # it needs to be the same as the target_q_values: [batch_size, n_envs, 51] q_values = q_values.squeeze(2) # Hence the squeeze # Clamp Q-values to get positive and stable Q-values between 0 and 1 q_values = q_values.clamp(0.01, 0.99) return q_values
[docs]def categorical_q_target( agent: DQN, next_states: np.ndarray, rewards: List[float], dones: List[bool], ): """Projected Distribution of Q-values Helper function for Categorical/Distributional DQN Args: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent next_states (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Next states being encountered by the agent rewards (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Rewards received by the agent dones (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Game over status of each environment Returns: target_q_values (object): Projected Q-value Distribution or Target Q Values """ delta_z = float(agent.v_max - agent.v_min) / (agent.num_atoms - 1) support = torch.linspace(agent.v_min, agent.v_max, agent.num_atoms) next_q_value_dist = agent.target_model(next_states) * support next_actions = torch.argmax(next_q_value_dist.sum(-1), axis=-1) next_actions = next_actions[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] next_actions = next_actions.expand( agent.batch_size, agent.env.n_envs, 1, agent.num_atoms ) next_q_values = next_q_value_dist.gather(2, next_actions).squeeze(2) rewards = rewards.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(next_q_values) dones = dones.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(next_q_values) # Refer to the paper in section 4 for notation Tz = rewards + (1 - dones) * 0.99 * support Tz = Tz.clamp(min=agent.v_min, max=agent.v_max) bz = (Tz - agent.v_min) / delta_z l = bz.floor().long() u = bz.ceil().long() offset = ( torch.linspace( 0, (agent.batch_size * agent.env.n_envs - 1) * agent.num_atoms, agent.batch_size * agent.env.n_envs, ) .long() .view(agent.batch_size, agent.env.n_envs, 1) .expand(agent.batch_size, agent.env.n_envs, agent.num_atoms) ) target_q_values = torch.zeros(next_q_values.size()) target_q_values.view(-1).index_add_( 0, (l + offset).view(-1), (next_q_values * (u.float() - bz)).view(-1), ) target_q_values.view(-1).index_add_( 0, (u + offset).view(-1), (next_q_values * (bz - l.float())).view(-1), ) return target_q_values
[docs]def categorical_q_loss(agent: DQN, batch: collections.namedtuple): """Categorical DQN loss function to calculate the loss of the Q-function Args: agent (:obj:`DQN`): The agent batch (:obj:`collections.namedtuple` of :obj:`torch.Tensor`): Batch of experiences Returns: loss (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): Calculateed loss of the Q-function """ q_values = agent.get_q_values(batch.states, batch.actions) target_q_values = agent.get_target_q_values( batch.next_states, batch.rewards, batch.dones ) # For the loss, we take the difference loss = -(target_q_values * q_values.log()).sum(1).mean() return loss